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Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021 - 21:47

I know you don't believe Adam Woodard hit me. As much as I feel like I need you, a total stranger, to believe me, I know it may never happen. You have known Adam since high school, he told me about you! He said you had a bit of a crush on him, that you're a little crazy, but harmless. Is this true, or was Adam just not aware of what an amazing person you are? Maybe Adam is just more aware that you're the kind of person to join (and/or get a friend to join) a secret group for domestic violence victims by lying about being abused, by the name of Christine Fitzer, in order to spy on me. Very funny that someone who is sneaky and lies to spy on someone is accusing said someone of being a liar, don't you think? Very funny!

I don't know you, you don't know me, but we both know Adam. The big difference between you and me is that I lived with him, was in a relationship with him, and was definitely hit by him. I was physically abused by him regularly, beginning a year and a half into our 3 year relationship. Not by his "3 fingers" but by his good hand, honey. He hurt me a lot. Adam was emotionally abusive for the entire 3 years. Hard to believe, I know. I'm friends with his ex-wife, because, guess what? She went through the same damn thing. She's got over 10 years of stories, though. I'd be interested to know if you believe her but still think I'm just making shit up. If you're gonna use the word 3, referring to me and Adam, it's that I was with that guy 3 years too long! Because, Adam actually had all 5 fingers on his left hand, but you do know that already, right? Because you seem to think you know everything?

Yes, Adam did hit me. Adam hit me, he hit me good and hard and it hurt like a motherfucker. He actually beat me up. I know it's hard for you to hear that, but it really did happen. He owes you an apology for making you believe anything else. You won't get that apology, because he won't admit he did it to anyone nor will he apologize to me. Even if it means he could play in bands in Memphis again. Who would? Would you admit it? Or would you play dumb so people wouldn't know what a terrible person you are? Lots of people saw my beat-up face. Including my SON, my sisters, my parents, my best friends, acquaintances/musician friends of mine and Adam (of who Adam shouted into the phone "Why does EVERYONE know??? Couldn't you have not gone out for a couple of weeks until the bruises went away?!?), the 3 (I know, right? There's that number again!) police officers who came to our house when I called 911, and the sergeant who issued the order of protection against him along with the warrant for his arrest, who ALSO took photos of my face and body and repeatedly told me, "It's over, do you hear me? It's OVER." Followed by the remark that if a man ever laid his hands on his daughter like that, he would kill the guy.
You should have seen the security police officer's face at the Family Safety Center as he slowly shook his head, when I took my sunglasses off and he saw my busted up face, my busted left eye. You could almost see his heart break as he closed his eyes, pursed his lips, and speechlessly motioned me through the metal detector to walk into the waiting room.

But, I digress. Adam was charged with Domestic Assault-Bodily Harm. You know why you can't find it in the system? The state of Tennessee drops the first Domestic Assault charge against a person when they get diversion, which means they agree to go to therapy and do community work. Adam can lie and deny. All. Day. Long. And get away with it.

I bet you're really mad that he was outed on social media, huh? You know why I made that happen? Because he played in several bands in Memphis, and his ex-wife and I couldn't get on Facebook or go out without seeing his face. People adored someone who could have killed me. Aren't you glad I left? If I had stayed after the night that he beat my face to a pulp, he may have done it again and successfully killed me. The sad part for you, his longtime friend, would have been that he surely would have been arrested and be serving a long-ass sentence in jail right now, and THAT would be the absolute proof that he, indeed, is a serial abuser.

Isn't it just easier to stay in denial, though, to just believe him? And to believe that Adam Woodard and I just had a rocky relationship that didn't end well, but we are both trying to go on with our lives, as if it didn't happen? When I share my truth, and then I hear about people like you going around spreading lies like it's going to water a money tree, talk about a punch in the gut. It's an interesting struggle to try to move on, when I'm constantly being reminded how terrible people choose to be, and all the while, I have severe PTSD from the abuse. Thank goodness I have a son to keep me going in this crazy world, am I right?

I totally get that you know and adore him. I used to also know and adore him. But you know who believes me? Because I have proof? Lots of people, and I do not stutter. Especially since these folks have seen the mugshot from when he turned himself in. I have tons of photos of my beat-up face and body, you must not have seen them when they were posted on Facebook back in 2016, when he was outed as an abuser. I can send them to you, just let me know. They're not photoshopped, though I'm sure that is some commentary people who adore him have made.
I have eyewitnesses to his abuse as well as people who I have helped cope with their own escape from an abusive partner (Ah, there it is again, because I have ACTUALLY BEEN ABUSED AND KNOW HOW THEY FEEL). I also have a lot of people who know me personally and know I wouldn't lie about something like this, that I'm a shy person who doesn't like a shit ton of attention (pretty good reason for an abuser to be attracted to me, I was more than likely to keep my mouth shut. You know that about abusers, right?) Anyway, I will get you a list of names. Again, let me know.

The morning after he beat me, I sent a photo of my face to his dad, and his mom called me and told me to get out of the house, NOW. I left him. As someone who was kind of in love with Adam, I'm sure that is EXTREMELY hard for you to believe!

He called me a few days after he got out of jail and cried and said, "I just needed a couple of weeks alone, just a couple of weeks." That was his apology, that he was upset to have sat in an orange jumpsuit and think about what he did to me. Then mommy and daddy bailed him out, and I was already couch-surfing until I found a more permanent place to live.

I left him. Because…Adam hit me. WIth his good hand. Punched my face, black and blue, while he drove his car and I sat in the passenger seat. Guess which hand is his good hand? Yep, his right hand. Makes sense that's the one that beat me, huh? I called the cops, he fled. Came back hours later, and when I tried to call the cops, he fought me for my phone, kicked me as hard as he could, and punched my temples, trying to make me pass out. I locked myself in the bedroom after I agreed not to call the cops. I left the next morning with my dogs (after he fought me for my phone, yet again, and flung my 5 pound dog into a rocking chair).

He punched me in the car, because I called him a pervert. Ask him sometime what made him lose it and punch me while driving. Oh, I called him a pervert, how dare me, huh? 3 years of a relationship with that asshole, and that is the only word I picked for him ignoring me and ogling at women in short skirts. You're a female, maybe you understand? Maybe you don't. But to beat me black and blue? Yeah, I should have left a month after we started dating, actually. When he screamed at me for asking him to turn down the light of his phone, so I could sleep. I had to get up early for work. He screamed, "This is my house, I can do whatever I want in MY house!" My response? "It was just going too well, huh?" I should have left then. But I thought I was in love. I'll spare you the details, but there was enough love-bombing to keep me with him for almost 3 years but enough abuse to keep me in my place. Lower and lower and lower, with just a tiny scrap of pride left to help me call the cops the early morning of July 4, 2013.

I started the domestic violence survivors support group, because women were approaching me on how to handle being abused, and Memphis has very little resources. You may or may not have read the article I wrote about why I started it. I have helped multiple women either leave their abuser and/or find resources on how to cope. I haven't helped everyone who's come through there, especially people who lie to get in there to spy on me, but I have done my best. I'm not perfect. But I'm sure as hell not a liar, and I sure as hell didn't start a support group for attention. Do you know why I do it, despite dealing with people like you who don't believe survivors? I do this because, wait for it….I really was abused, I really was hit by Adam Woodard.
I apologize for him hiding it, denying it. I feel sorry for him, because it's eating away at him. I'm sorry he made his friends feel awful when he didn't apologize for what he did to me, therefore making you choose whether or not to believe him or me. I have to relive what he did to me every time someone decides I lied about it, because it's emotionally abusive for people like you to go around shaming me for speaking my truth, speak my truth to help others and to hold abusers like Adam accountable, when they won't apologize. Or to apologize but not really be sorry. Or to be sorry, but only sorry for themselves and the mess they've gotten themselves in.

I have nothing to prove to you, but it really unsettled me to hear some crazy woman who lied to get into my support group to spy on me continues to spread lies about me because her precious high school crush ended up being an abuser. I'm publishing this note on Facebook. You and I have several mutual friends. I will also out you, if you continue to lie about me. Or you can realign your moral compass, give it a good shake, and accept that the man you thought was so damn perfect really isn't who you thought he was, who he wanted everyone to think he was. He was amazing on stage, but behind a closed door, God help any woman. Again, I'm sorry he hurt you by becoming the terrible person he is and not holding himself accountable. Please stop lying about me because Adam Woodard disappointed you. If I hear your name in my ears and/or see your name in my texts ever again, I will be taking further action. I hope you have a good weekend with lots of self-reflection. Thanks for reading.


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